Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Since last week I was pondering the possibility of actually opening my blog on Easter Monday. Why? Simply because the day I wrote my first blog entry was on Easter Monday. But then I decided since I 've already told many people that the Blog's birthday and anniversary is the 9th of April, then I should adhere to it.

Anyways, unlike last year, I'm not experiencing the 3-day weekend hangover. Well,  perhaps I was super sleepy yesterday on the first day back at work, but then again that could just be attributed to the Monday-after-weekend phenomenon.

It's been bright and sunny since April has started. But - and here's the catch - it's been snowing. Dun dun dun. Yeah, snow in April? Not that hard to believe in my world because I still remember snow in May a few years ago. Sigh.

‘ Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.’’